How do I connect my bank account for the first time?

In order to connect your bank account for the first time, you need to follow these steps: 

  1. Open the Shopbuddies app. During signup, you will be prompted to connect your bank account. 

  2. Select the country of your bank. 

    3. Find your bank.

    4. Agree with the terms and conditions of BudgetBakers. (SRO BudgetBakers is our partner that creates the bank connection, and is a licensed Account Information Service Provider).

    5. In your banking app, authorise your bank to connect with BudgetBakers.

    If you have multiple accounts with the bank, select which accounts you'd like use with Shopbuddies.
    Now, you can connect another bank account, or you're done!

In general, you should be able to connect almost every bank available in your country. Day-by-day, we are striving to improve our service. However, it may be possible that your bank it is not yet available. In this case, do not hesitate to reach out to us and tell us which bank you are using. We will do our best to add it to the Shopbuddies app! 

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