How can I remove a connected bank account?

To remove a bank connection, you can visit either the "Accounts" or "Profile" section.
To remove via "Accounts":
  • Tap the bank account you wish to remove
  • Select the settings icon at the top right-hand of the screen
  • At the bottom of the page, the option "Remove account" is written in red
  • Select this and the connection will be terminated. 
To remove via "Profile": 
  • In the profile section select "Linked accounts"
  • Select the account you wish to remove
  • At the bottom of the page, the option "Remove account" is written in red
  • Select this and the connection will be terminated. 


When you have more than one account from the same bank connected and you remove one of these accounts, the bank connection will stay active so it can be used for other bank accounts.
Only after removing your last account will the bank connection and all related data be permanently removed from BudgetBakers.
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