Cashback purchases are typically registered using browser cookies. On iOS, these cookies are blocked by default when using the Safari web browser.
This means that some purchases made using Safari won't be registered in Shopbuddies, even if you've used the in-app link. If you've noticed that you're missing cashback on transactions completed on an iPhone or iPad, follow the steps below:
- Open your device's "Settings"
- Tap "Safari"
- Scroll down to the "Privacy and Security" sub-section
- Switch off the "Prevent Cross-Site Tracking" toggle
- Switch off the "Block All Cookies" toggle
Once these options are switched off, the cookies necessary to register cashback will no longer be blocked.
Online shops also work with other methods to register cashback purchases. Even with these toggles switched on, some cashback purchases can still be registered. However, if you find that many of your transactions are not being registered in Shopbuddies, we recommend that you ensure both these toggles are switched off.