Why did my order value change after it was executed?

BROKR executes orders once per week. This means that the price of the share may change after you place your order.

If you've placed an order to buy shares, the amount of shares you receive when the order is executed may be more or less than the estimated amount when you placed your order. For example, if you ordered €10 when the stock price was €10, the estimated amount of shares at the time of your order would have been 1. If the stock price increased to €20 by the time your order is executed, then your order for €10 will buy 0.5 shares.

If you've placed an order to sell shares, the amount of money you receive when the order is executed may be more or less than the estimated amount when you placed your order. For example, if you placed an order to sell 1 share when the stock price was €10, the estimated amout to receive would have been €10. If the stock price increased to €20 on the day of execution, then you would receive about €20.



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