Important Tips to Ensure You Receive Your Online Cashback:

Immediate Purchase: After clicking through to the webshop, make your purchase immediately. Avoid clicking through to the webshop from other websites or apps to ensure that your cashback is properly tracked.

Cookie Settings: It's essential that your browser accepts all cookies. Additionally, please make sure to accept all cookies at the webshop where you shop. Cookies play a crucial role in the registration of cashback.

Browser Recommendations: To enhance your cashback experience, we recommend using a browser that doesn't have ad-blockers installed. Google Chrome is a recommended choice as it's configured correctly for cashback by default. If you have plugins installed in Chrome, consider using Incognito mode. Also, ensure that the Privacy Sandbox is not enabled in Chrome (it is off by default).

Discount Codes:. Be cautious when using other vouchers, codes, points and other forms of special offers, as they may not be compatible with cashback.

Purchase Method: Complete your entire purchase or request on the webshop's website or mobile application. Avoid making purchases via telephone or chat, as this may affect cashback eligibility.

Shopping Cart: Fill your shopping cart with items after clicking through our site to ensure proper tracking of your cashback.

Preferred Location: Whenever possible, make your purchase from the comfort of your home or while using our mobile application. Cashbacks initiated from a (large) network, such as an office or hotel, may not always be accurately registered.

By following these guidelines, you can maximize your chances of receiving your cashback rewards whether you're shopping through our website or mobile application. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please refer to our FAQs section or reach out to our customer support for assistance.

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