Cashback Status

The status of a transaction in the app can be "confirmed," "pending," or "rejected." When a transaction is pending, it means it's in the process of being verified and approved by the merchant but hasn't been completed yet. On the other hand, if a transaction is rejected, it means the merchant has denied the purchase, and therefore, is not eligible for cashback.

The duration of a transaction in pending status can vary for several reasons and, in some cases, may take some time. Primarily, it depends on the speed of the merchant, something the app unfortunately cannot control. However, there may be other reasons:

  • Some products have a return period, such as clothing and electronics. Only after the return period has passed will the seller process and approve the transaction.
  • In the case of subscriptions or insurance, a certain number of successful payments is usually required before the provider processes the transaction. For example, with mobile subscriptions, this could take 3 months or longer, depending on when the subscription starts.
  • For travel, the trip must be completed first due to the possibility of cancellation. For instance, a trip booked in January for the summer will only be eligible for approval by the provider after the summer.

Additionally, as per our Terms and Conditions, the app cannot provide cashback compensation if the merchant rejects your purchase.

Please ensure that you meet the following requirements:

  • You are registered on the app and logged into the app before making the purchase.
  • You used the app link to visit the corresponding online store and place your order, without being redirected to the store's app or any other website.
  • Your order has not been modified, and you have not contacted the store to adjust or cancel it. Any modifications made by the online store may result in the creation of a new order, which the app may not record.

If, despite our explanation, you suspect that something is not right, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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