How can I earn a referral gift card?

All you have to do to earn a referral gift card is follow these 3 easy steps.
  1. Connect your bank account to the Shopbuddies app
  2. Invite at least two friends to join Shopbuddies using your unique referral link. This link is available in the referral program status page, which can be found by navigating to the Money tab --> Profile --> Earn a €25 gift card!
    - Using your link, each friend needs to download and signup for Shopbuddies!
    - Each friend needs to connect a valid bank account in the app
  3. Once your friends have been verified, you can select a gift card from the referral program status page.

For more details on how to redeem your referral gift card, click here.


Other articles you might find interesting:

How can I connect my bank account?

What is the Referral Program?


If you need further assistance, please click this link to send us a request.

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