How to deactivate and reactivate a fundraiser's donations

You can change your mind and deactivate donations for any of the fundraisers you are currently supporting. Here are the steps to follow in order to do so :

  1. Access the in-app Donate section
    You can always access the Donate feature by touching the heart icon in the lower menu bar.
  2. Select the fundraiser you currently support
    Once in the Donate in-app section, you will see a list of fundraisers that have agreed to receive our support. You can always select the fundraiser you want to support just by touching the dedicated banner in the screen, similar to the ones below:

  3. Access the "Cashback destinations" page
    In the fundraiser page of a fundraiser you currently support, you can click the "Manage cashback destination" button to access the "Cashback destinations" page, as shown below:

  4. Deactivate previously activated fundraisers
    In order to temporarily deactivate donations for a specific fundraiser, you just need to switch off the control button on the right of each fundraiser you previously activated, as shown below.
    You can always re-activate donations by switching the control button on the right back to active.


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