How does Shopbuddies use my data?

Shopbuddies needs and uses your personal data for:
  • The performance of the Shopbuddies platform. We process and analyse your personal data to ensure continued functioning of the Shopbuddies platform and to provide you with high quality service.
  • We process your personal data for platform improvement purposes. We strive to ensure that the impact on your privacy is as limited as possible, by, amongst others, aggregating your personal data wherever possible.
Shopbuddies will retain your personal data for the purposes mentioned above for of one year after you unregister your Shopbuddies Platform account or otherwise terminate the Shopbuddies Platform terms of use or agreement(s) for the Termination and Bank Account Services.
Based on your consent, we furthermore process your personal data for direct marketing purposes – as further described in the respective consent form. We retain your personal data for these purposes until you withdraw your consent.
Shopbuddies will only process personal data to the extent necessary for the outlined purposes.
If there is a necessity or need to process personal data for other purposes, Shopbuddies shall investigate whether the purposes of the intended data processing are compatible with the above purposes. 
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